Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Confession...

For those of you who never think I get angry, loose my temper, etc... you should have seen me tonight...I was visibly upset tonight playing basketball. I was called for so many cheep little fouls and travels I did get angry! Unfortutely, I have no video, audio, or pictures of this event...which I am sure some of you would be interested in but lets see if I remember some of the things I did:

Since they were calling cheap fouls on me...I started to call my own cheap fouls. A little touch on the palm of my hand while guy kinda held back my leg with his while I was shooting...after that, my good friend Ryan told me to stop calling really cheep fouls.

I score the final winning point in our game and say. "I suppose I traveled, fouled, or double dribbled on that too. Take that!"

Make sure you guys make good friends that watch out for you and keep you from doing something really stupid! Ryan kept me from being a real pain a couple of times during the game and kept my mind focused on winning it! After the game, I apologized to Ryan for my erratic behavior and then asked him if I traveled...etc. Some free advice from me...find a friend you can talk to...ask their advice constantly on things you are not sure about! I know you can't read this blog but thanks Ryan...I owe you!


Amy Glendinning said...

Brian...I think it's funny people think you never get angry! Everyone gets angry sometimes...and it's always hard to know how to handle it. heh...I get angry sometimes...oops. :)

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babyarnie said...

Oh Brian.... we'll forgive you. Just this once though. Isn't it wonderful to have good friends that keep you from doing something stupid?? :)

Rachael said...

It's because you love basketball. I love horses and get really mad when people bash my horse. I'll just threaten to go "Brian" on the next person that messes with my horse.

83rocketscientist said...

Does this mean I am the new cromudgin?? (I am sure I spelled that wrong btw)?

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