Saturday, March 29, 2008


Ok I am due for a new post so here goes....

Five things about me:

What I was doing 10 years ago (1998):
1. Doing Math Homework
2. Flying Model Airplanes
3. Playing 'Smear the Quear' (AND tackling Donte!)
4. Playing Soccer
5. Reading 'Tartuffe'!

Five things on my to-do list today (Today is mostly over so I will tell you what I did!):
1. grade papers
2. change the oil in my car
3. clean the bathroom
4. do the dishes
5. Do some favors for dad

Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Cereal
2. Tostinos Hot Pockets
3. Pizza
4. Hamburgers
5. Sausage balls

Five of my bad habits:
1. showing up late
2. eating too much food
3. not putting clean laundry away
4. speaking before I think first
5. acting without thinking

Five places I've lived:
1. Detroit Michigan
2. Raleigh NC

Five jobs I've had:
1. Waiter
2. Cook
3. Dishwasher
4. Evangelist
5. Teaching Assistant


azulalegria said...

I miss #4 on your '10 years ago' one!

83rocketscientist said... was fun and great excercise as well. I miss smeer the queer the most though!

Lydia said...

Pizza and hamburgers are snacks?!

83rocketscientist said...

For me...yes!

babyarnie said...

Oh my Dante.... now THOSE were the days. !!

Amy Glendinning said...

I like this! This is a good survey. :)