Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How could God send a good person to hell?

I often hear about how hateful it is that christians believe that God would send someone like Gandhi to hell. After all, Gandhi was a good man...probably better then most of us...so how is God justified in sending a man like that to hell?

The problem with our society is that we use the wrong yard stick to measure if a person is good or not. We have a tendency to use the human yard stick in which we compare ourselves to others around us. For example, I don't smoke pot or have premarital sex like these other people are doing, so I am a good person. By comparing Gandhi to the other people around us, yeah, he is a pretty good person.

However, if we use God's yardstick as defined in the Bible, even Gandhi comes way short. There is no comparison if one were to try to compare Gandhi to a righeous and holy God. When we use that yard stick, we see that God is justified. Using this yard stick in our own lives will allow us not to be satisfied by being better then the people around us...but to never be satisfied because in this life, no one will ever be as perfect, righeous, and holy as God.

I thought I would end this post with a few of my favorite quotes form Gandhi!

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
"I like their Christ but I don't like their Christians"

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