Monday, August 20, 2007

Well, as promised, here are some pictures of the Good News Spectacular. I arrived at the Dorten Arena Friday morning. About four of us set up all the inflatables. The rest of the CEF volunteers arrived Friday night found out what they would be doing on Saturday during the Spectacular. Afterwards, we got to play on some of the inflatable rides. Below is the Joust!

The next morning, I had to get up at 5:30 so I could be available to drive a truck if more supplies were needed. Unfortunately, when I got to the storage facility where all the inflatable accessories were stored, I found out I had gotten up early and driven all that way for no reason! They didn't really need me to drive anything. So about 4 of us guys drove up to the Dorten Arena and set up the Volcano rock climbing wall and the Half pipe slide! Here is a good shot of all the inflatables we set up inside the Dorten Arena!

The next picture is like the ones above except full of people!!!

The spectacular was from 10 AM to 3 PM. About 7400 people came and 97 people made professions of faith for the first time! All kids got to go on every single ride free of charge and every hour and a half, we would shut down all rides so everyone would go see the illusion show. During this show, the gospel message was presented and people were given the opportunity to accept Jesus.

Also, people used the evangecube and wordless book to present the gospel message to boys and girls when the illusion show was done. In order to go on the crash course (an inflatable, you can see it in the picture above, it has a race car on top), a child would have to listen to this presentation.

Anything look familiar in this photo???

We can't forget about the cows can we???

Most of the volunteers had to leave Saturday evening. The rest of us went to Mr Bob's house to watch a very stupid movie called "Firehouse Dog". Since we were so exhausted, it didn't matter! Furthermore, we found the movie to be very entertaining because two little second grade kids were falling in love with each other! We related this to camp good news since the camp counselors there had trouble keeping some of the 7-8 year olds from kissing each other! I guess puberty begins at an early age these days! Rachael, you should be proud of me! Maybe I am learning how to watch movies like you do!

Sunday morning, the rest of us CEF volunteers went to Mr Bob's church. We all went to Mr. Bob's 5th grade class to help him teach. Next, we listened to a very good message on giving! I reminded myself that some of the happiest and most joyful times in my life have occurred when I have freely given some of my resources to others.

Finally, we ate lunch at Mr. Bob's house and watched "National Treasure". Afterwards, the rest of the CEF helpers left to go home. I stayed with Mr. Bob a little longer playing some video games with his kids but soon realized that I was too tired even to play video games. I considered going home until I noticed Mr. Bob napping in the living room. I figured that watching his kids for him would probably help him sleep, so I stayed a while longer! Eventually, I did go home and go to bed.


babyarnie said...

Sounds like an action packed weekend. Good work Brian in helping with the Spectacular. All those professions of faith. How exciting!!

Amy Glendinning said...

Yay! Thanks for sharing! I'd seen the pics on facebook, but I really appreciate hearing the description. Yay for all the professions! That is amazing!

azulalegria said...

Brian, I love you and am so proud of you!

Carroll said...

I just thought you should know that my team is going to stomp your team on Sunday...

Lydia said...

I wasn't at church the day you must have mentioned this event or we would have brought the kids!