Sunday, December 28, 2008

Togetherness in FloE-rIIi-dah

Brian and Joy were once in Florida, they were sitting on their Grandmother's back porch stuck with the common contemplation that they had little, or rather, nothing to do. When such contemplations as these occur, one must muse until he or she encounters a brilliant idea. Having these grandiose aspirations, it is with great anticipation that we bring you the "Bri-oy Holiday Lists of Meaningless Activities". Graciously sponsored by Brian's blog and the void of activity in a certain region of FL.


(1) Go to Walmart and stream orange juice from the bathroom door around the store in a non-interrupted stream.

(2) If you are at a place that for some inconceivable reason does not have a Walmart, petition for one.

(3) If neither 1 or 2 is available... try just using the bathroom for a very long time. Follow this up by seeing how many times you can sing Happy Birthday while washing your hands before going insane.

(4) Try helping a certain technology-feeble member of your family check their email via dial-up Juno... if this is not challenging enough, try downloading a docx file on a non-vista computer.

(5) Take long (and I mean L-O-N-G) walks, in which you get so lost that it takes you 2 hours just to find your way out of the nearby golf course.

(6) Clip your toenails.... or if you are really desperate for time-consumption, just file them until they are at an acceptable length.

(7) And if you are really, really, really bored.... incessantly text all your somewhat tolerant friends (DD this is for you) until they feel so sorry for you that they call back.

(8) Watch football. And by this I don't just mean one or two games, watch all the re-runs until your eyebrows are falling out and your eyes are bleeding.

(9) If you happen to be in an elderly living community, see how many people you can get to discuss their daily bowel functioning with you (believe me, you won't have to try hard).

(10) Keep hiding your parent's toothpaste so that you make it out of the house at least once every other day to go to the store.

(11) Eat like no other. Then go running/walking/swimming to shed every calorie. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

(12) If a certain male-gendered person in your family snores, see if you can find the beat.... set it to Chopin's Minute-Waltz for the next 60 mins.
(13) Try to swallow your tongue.... a fairly harmless (due to the unlikeliness) activity
(14) Have a water gargling contest. Put a glassful of water in your mouth and see how long you can keep gargling for. Extra points for loud and amusing gargling noises, minus points if you laugh.
(15) Buy a harmonica.... maybe your family will send you home sooner.
OK, all kidding aside, we are really having a GREAT time! Grandma's new place is beautiful, and the weather is just lovely. We are excited about the many activities planned for the week and truthfully we are looking forward to some physically challenging ones to work of these calories. Love and miss you all!

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